Answer Me These Questions Three! – A Suitably Geeky Makeup Poll #5

Greetings from behind a mythril clipboard, fellow rogues!

Well hello there! 😀 There’s quite a bit happening around the Painted Rogue these days (despite appearances ;-)) and I wanted to give a couple of updates and make some announcements before we get started with the poll!

Miniature polymer clay bread and salami

Arnan the Barbarien, trying to decide which size bread is more appropriate for his post-skull bashing appetite. For reference, Arnan is about 30mm/1.2 inches tall.

Firstly, your favourite adventuring Rogue is now on Instagram! 😀

Stop by, say hi, see what I’m having for breakfast or what my latest DEXTERITY CHALLENGE is at ballet. Makeup, minis and tricksiness abound! The feed is in the sidebar down there to your right, and there’s a link through the little camera button in my Twitter/Bloglovin’ follow area near the top of the sidebar too.  🙂

Secondly, the Guides still need YOU! 😀

I’ve had such a wonderful response to my Stealthy Pink and Battle-Ready Red lipstick guides from both fellow bloggers and adventuring readers alike 🙂 The guides are now fat and juicy with all sorts of tips and swatches to help you decide which lipstick is for you, or help you find a new favourite. The part I want to stress, however, is that they’re still open for submissions, and always will be! If you’d like to submit your favourites, and help your fellow adventurers out, you can find the guides in the top menu bar, or click:

Here for Stealthy Pinks!

Here for Battle Ready Reds!

Right, with all those rogueish public service announcements out of the way (we’re not just limited to ‘It’s a TRAP!’ 😉 ) I thought we might sit down around the campfire and have another chat, because I love hearing from you all. Blogging is fun, but the community is even better 🙂

Beauty Spotlight Team Adventures

The Skeletal Necromancer and ‘friends’. It’s all about the community with necromancers, really.

On with the questionnaire!! 😀

Questing is a serious business, and as every good adventurer knows, it’s hard to get by without a bit of help and knowledge from your fellow treasure seekers. Which is the best brand of hinge grease? How do you defeat an enchanted automaton before the shine even leaves your lipgloss? Just how many pies *can* a dwarf eat in one sitting?

In the spirit of such inquiry, I have devised the Rogue Approved Questionnaire for the Extraction of Secrets. Also known as ‘Answer Me These Questions Three’. The questions are simple, and you are free to answer as fully, as tersely, as logically or as fantastically as you like. Please only use blue or black ink, and consult the orc-xaminer if you require an additional answer booklet.

You can copy and paste the questions into the comment box, or just list your answers if you prefer 🙂

The Questions

  • Adventuring is hungry work, and you’re going for a long jaunt through the Underdark. What is your number one mid-dungeon snack, and what will you be making a beeline for first at the tavern if/when you return?

  • If you could only wear ONE. SINGLE. BLUSH. for the rest of your natural adventuring days, what would it be?

  • The paladin is half-stuck inside a particularly flobbly gelatinous cube, and it’s managed to absorb all your weapons too (it was a bad fight). All you have left is your dungeon makeup bag. How are you going to get him out?

Makeup Poll

I asked these guys what their favourite orange lipst- uh, maxillo-mandibulary adornment was, and they argued for HOURS. Jeez…

 I’m looking forward to reading your answers! 🙂

Until next time, fellow adventurers, don’t forget to check for traps!


I am an adventuring rogue, not a mercenary for hire, and as such, all opinions expressed here are my own, based on a genuine fondness for/interest in this product. If you have any queries or suggestions, please do not hesitate to pin your parchment to the board (contact me) at thepaintedrogue [at] gmail [dot] com. All content on this website, including images, is the property of the owner/author (Sylirael The Painted Rogue, unless otherwise stated), and may not be reproduced without permission. If you do, I’ll send Beholders after you. They’re angry, because they have conjunctivitis.

Move Over Smaug! Phyrra’s Eyeshadow Stash is the Hottest Hoard in all the Land!



Greetings from the shining mountain of Phyrra’s eyeshadow stash, fellow adventurers!


Some people are goo hoarders, but Courtney is an eyeshadow lover. Check out her eyeshadow hoard at!

(While you’re over there you can also appreciate her gorgeous hair, awesome makeup looks, her indie brand insights and her dedication to cruelty free beauty! Also, poodles).


Until next time, don’t forget to check for traps!



Beauty and the Geek Go To Wonderland…with Alice and the Cheshire Cat

Greetings from a band of true adventurers, fellow rogues!

Let me ask you this: what’s better than the wisdom and flair of a beauty adventurer? Why, the wisdom and flair of TWO beauty adventurers, of course! Today, I’m very excited to bring you yet another collaboration with the incomparable adventuress Melissa over at Kiss and Make-Up!

Adventuring can take you to some very strange places sometimes. Down the rabbit hole, as it were (usually to the Underdark to battle with Mindflayers, but perhaps that’s a story for another day). This time, we found ourselves in Wonderland – what were we to do, really, but create some makeup looks for it? Perhaps even ones that might be handy for people for …Hallowe’en…?

Alice in Wonderland

One of the original illustrations for the book (by John Teniel) of Alice trying to play croquet with a flamingo, as you do (source) and a poster for the 1951 Disney film (source).

Most people in the West (at least) probably got their introduction to Alice’s Adventures in wonderland with the 1951 (!) Disney animated film, but the original story was written by Lewis Carrol (real name: Charles Lewis Dodgson) in 1862, with the final version published in 1865. It recounts the adventures of Alice, an easily distracted seven-ish year old who follows a rabbit down a rabbit hole, gets lost, takes some drugs, gets arrested for theft, nearly gets her head cut off by a despotic ruler, etc. You can read all sorts of things into Alice in Wonderland, but at the end of the day it’s a delightfully nonsensical, irreverent fantasy story with the kind of spectacularly weird and wonderful characters that only the Victorian era could produce.

With that in mind, this rogue decided to tackle a couple of characters: Alice herself, and the Cheshire Cat.


Charactersied by Carroll himself as: “loving and gentle,” “courteous to all,” “trustful,” and “wildly curious’, and with the eager enjoyment of Life that comes only in the happy hours of childhood, when all is new and fair, and when Sin and Sorrow are but names — empty words signifying nothing!’…but by others as kind of a bit bratty, Alice has a lot of sides to her. This is fairly difficult to pull off in an eyeshadow look, to be honest, so I decided to just go with some colours that meant something to me, and an overall look that’s a little bit fantastical, but not too out there (or too hard to toss together!). Imagine that the image says ‘Click Me’. If you do, it’ll get bigger!

Alice in Wonderland Eye Makeup Simple Pretty

Yes, I found a way to work blue into there somewhere. I’m a rogue. It’s what we do.

FYI, the pasty, even glow in that first image is what happens when you combine my skin, a light dusting of my HG YSL powder foundation, and morning sunlight with a camera. I feel the need to explain this, because the images look photoshopped even to me… 😛 ANYWAY:

Eyeshadow: Sephora Pool Party in the inner corner, the ‘Champagne’ highlighter from the Tarte Rainforest After Dark palette in the centre (but any pale gold will do), and Laura Mercier African Violet in the outer corner. Same pattern on the lower lash line.

Eyeliner: Urban Decay Roach on the upper lashline, and a little on the outer corner of the lower lash line. UD Cuff dotted along the upper lash line, and in the inner corner/of the lower lashline.

Eyebrows: Did nothing to them. I figure Alice probably isn’t big into her brows. I know seven year olds who would love to cover their entire faces in blue and gold and purple sparkly eyeshadow, but not too many who stress over their eyebrows as a beauty feature…

Mascara: I am in such a terrible mascara situation right now – this is the best I could scrape out of an old tube of black mascara from Dior. Ideally, I would use the false lashes I got recently. However…well, that’s a story for yet another day 😉

 For lips with Alice, I think we need to keep it simple and natural. As many of you may know, I have a whole Guide dedicated to stealthy, MLBB pink lipsticks. Here are a few more options:

Revlon Legacy Icy Violet, Revlon Gucci Westman Carnival Spirit, Revlon SuperLustrous Pink Sizzle lipsticks review and swatches

Some delicate pink, blushing lips, courtesy of Revlon…

The Cheshire Cat

Since the Cheshire Cat is famous for disappearing, potentially in a puff of smoke, and leaving only its grinning teeth behind, I was set back slightly by the fact that a) every person and their dog has done a creepy, fang-toothed full face makeup look based on the Tim Burton Cheshire Cat (2010 – and many of these looks are awesome, mind you), and b) I don’t really own a product that I can put on my face to make opaque white pigment. With that in mind, I decided to go with a simple, easy look that isn’t too overt, but gives you the flavour of a magical, purple cat appearing in a puff of smoke. Since teeth weren’t an option, I’ve gone with tail and ears instead…

Cheshire Cat Eye Makeup Simple

There’s a cat in my eye.

Eyeshadow: Urban Decay Fishnet, Freakshow and Grifter for the lid, the tail and the smoke swirls.  UD Sellout in the inner corner. (Yes, I used the Fun Palette). Basically my philosophy was PURPLE ALL THE THINGS, so you can use whichever shadows suit you!

Eyeliner: Urban Decay Psychedelic Sister in the lower waterline, on the upper lash line, and for sketching out the tail, ears, etc. KIKO purple shimmer liquid liner for the dark outlines, and on the upper lash line, close to the lashes.

Eyebrows: Fluffed up with a rough brush/spoolie and dusted through with UD Grifter.

Lashes: a truly terrible brown fibre mascara from Majolica Majorca. I’m not sure if it’s just my tube that’s terrible, so I’m going to hold off on reviewing it for the moment, but man… I just wanted brown mascara!!

For lips with this look, I obviously wanted to go purple. I have many purple lipsticks, but I decided to try a new one (Maybelline Color Elixir in Vision in Violet), plus a striped look with old favourite MUFE 49. I applied the striped look straight from the bullet and doe foot respectively. If you use a lip brush, lipliner and common sense, you will probably get a more precise, long-lasting result. I’m going to invoke the rogue’s right to live in the moment on this one… 😉

Cheshire Cat Lips

Stripy! I am allergic to remembering to use lipliner. If you do, your lip look may stay more distinct…

Right! I hope you’ve enjoyed that little jaunt into Wonderland with me – if you’re keen to keep adventuring, then you need to follow that rabbit over to…

Melissa’s Journey into Wonderland

Where did Melissa’s magical journey down the rabbit hole take her? Why, to the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, of course ;-). To see the look, and bask in the magnificence of Melissa’s epic makeup skills, click here.

Until next time, fellow adventurers, don’t forget to check for traps!


I am an adventuring rogue, not a mercenary for hire, and as such, all opinions expressed here are my own, based on a genuine fondness for/interest in this product. If you have any queries or suggestions, please do not hesitate to pin your parchment to the board (contact me) at thepaintedrogue [at] gmail [dot] com., or use the contact form provided! All images on this site, unless otherwise noted, are the property of Syl, and may not be reproduced without permission. If you do, I will be forced to unleash drunken bards on you. The pukey ones.

The Rogue’s Guide to Battle-Ready Red Lipsticks is Here… So I Need YOU! :-D

Greetings from that magical lipstick chest again, fellow adventurers!


The Rogue's Guide to Battle Ready Red Lipsticks

What are YOUR Battle Ready Red LIpsticks? 😀 I wanna know!


In case anyone missed out (or has been on a particularly long dungeon run), I’ve recently instituted a shiny new section on ze blog! That’s right, now you, too will be able to benefit not only from the wisdom of a rogue, but from the collected wisdom of as many other adventurers as I can convince to contribute their favourite lipsticks and glosses of a given colour! There will be variety in brands! There will be variety in skintones! Merriment, hopefully, will ensue. The first issue of this epic new feature covered Stealthy Pink Lipsticks (those MLBB kitbag staples), and you are always welcome to submit more lipsticks for it. 🙂 Today, however, we’re moving on to a crowd favourite: Battle-Ready Red Lipsticks!

This post is mainly just to let you know to head over to the new page to enjoy this rogue’s take on red lipsticks (replete with pictures, swatches and weak humour), and soon that of other adventurers too! However, I can’t leave you with so little here, and I thought, in the spirit of Hallowe’en, I’d resurrect (necromancer-style) a red-lip appropriate blast from the past that will take you from living to vampire in seconds, using only red lipsticks! The original post with full details is here.

Lipsvampire lips for halloween

Vampire (or blood mage) lips for Hallowe’en (or Wednesday finance meetings)!


Please do hop on over to the Battle-Ready Red Lipsticks Page! 😀 You can comment your favourites here or there or by email, just let me know what they are, why you like them, and (if you’re happy to) what your skintone/colouring is so that adventurers like you can find their perfect match! I can only cover ‘vampire’, sadly…


Until next time, fellow rogues, don’t forget to check for traps – and let me know your faovurite battle ready red lispticks! 😀


A Rogue’s Rations…in Miniature! Or, Feeding Arnan the Barbarian…

Greetings from the local purveyor of bread and cured meats, fellow adventurers!

Those of you who saw my recent Beauty Spotlight Team Post are probably expecting my Guide to Red Lipsticks! Never fear, it shall eventuate today as promised, but I’m a rogue, and we’re tricksy. In the spirit of tricksiness (also known as having ‘chaotic’ as part of your alignment),  I have decided to toss up an extra little post, showing you some of the miniature/dungeon related stuff I’ve been working on recently.  Call it Hallowe’en inspired? No? Well, there is food involved, so it’s close. In any case, allow me to present a rogue’s first foray into miniature food!
Miniature polymer clay bread and salami

Bread for a dollhouse…bread for a dungeon! (Don’t confuse the two). Pardon the photo quality – I took these on a mobile device. I have super macro shots, but they’re not accessible at the moment (long story).

The goodies that Arnan The Barbarian is eyeing up here are made from polymer clay (specifically, Fimo) and are shockingly, excitingly easy to make. For the approximately 1:12 scale bread and salami platter (that’s dollhouse sized) I followed the bread tutorial on YouTube, property of the talented and impossibly sweet SugarCharmShop. She has tutorials for ALL THE FOOD THINGS, plus another craft channel and a nail art channel. Go. Check it out. Marvel and wonder etc. 😀 For the salami, I made it up myself as I went along, and everything is shaded and coloured with chalk pastels (beyond the original clay colour). Once I’d made the dollhouse bread (also perfect for charms or fridge magnets), I wondered if I could make 28mm scale stuff for dungeon terrain…
Miniature polymer clay bread and salami

Arnan the Barbarien, trying to decide which size bread is more appropriate for his post-skull bashing appetite. For reference, Arnan is about 30mm/1.2 inches tall.


Turns out you can! I just miniaturised everything further, using Arnan (who, being a barbarian, is about 30mm tall – a little over an inch) as a guide for size. Nothing is glued down yet, and I’m planning to add cheeses and pickles for a Dungeon Deli (my deli franchise someday?) setup 😉 If you guys are interested, I’ll keep you updated! (I’m also quite keen to try my hand at some miniature cosmetics, just sayin’… 😉 )



Chatting at the office water cooler, Ogg and Grogg suddenly heard ‘food’ and ‘updates’.


What do you think, fellow adventurers? Do they have a Dungeon Deli in your questing region? What’s your favourite mid-adventure or tavern bar snack?

Until next time, fellow adventurers, don’t forget to check for traps!


I am an adventuring rogue, not a mercenary for hire, and as such, all opinions expressed here are my own, based on a genuine fondness for/interest in this product. If you have any queries or suggestions, please do not hesitate to pin your parchment to the board (contact me) at thepaintedrogue [at] gmail [dot] com., or use the contact form provided! All images and text on this blog are the property of The Painted Rogue unless otherwise stated. If you nick off with any of it, be prepared to find that your morning hot beverage tastes a little…different than usual. Didn’t the rogue say something the other day about that new poison that makes your inner ear itch maddeningly for the rest of your life? I think she did…

Tales of Adventure from the Beauty Spotlight Team! Magical Oils, Stealthy Essentials and the Glory of Pink Lipstick!

Greetings from the feasting table in the tavern, fellow rogues!

How are you doing, chaps and chapesses of the adventuring sort?  I want to say thank you to all the adventurers who have contributed lipsticks, glosses, and kind words to my Ultimate Guide (it’s linked in this post if you haven’t seen it yet! #shamelessplug). I’m really excited with how it’s shaping up, and I hope it keeps ketting bigger. Since it has been so popular, the next Guide will be coming out on Tuesday (NZ time)! Which one do you think it will be? 😉

Otherwise… how have your weeks/weekend been? It’s been crazy busy here at Rogue HQ (thesis due in a month arghpanicwtfbbqscreamcollapse), but I’m hoping you’re all chipping away at epic, enjoyable quests 🙂


What does a group of adventurers do after a long fortnight of successful questing? Why, they gather in the tavern to feast and tell tales of their adventures of course! Grab a tankard of mead, friends, and settle in!



OPI Rose of Light and Nailstation First Dance manicure

More excuses to wear OPI Rose of Light!! This time with a fairy-inspired lavender manicure… *twinkle*


Prime Beauty checks out a few Holiday Collections and finds The Marc Jacobs Beauty Sky-Liner 7 Pc. Petite Highliner Collection--the perfect gift for the beauty enthusiast but she won’t give it up!

With all of the gorgeous and luxurious beauty oils on the market, Lola’s Secret Beauty Blog has found four more to love from : African Botanics, Sisley, Aesop and evanhealy!!

The holidays can be a stressful time, but you still want your nails to look good! Nail polish strips (like Sally Hansen Salon Effects) are a great way to get a fabulous mani in minutes. Check out Jessika’s Tips & Tricks for Applying Nail Polish Strips (and Making Them Last!) over on polish insomniac!

1. Smell good. 2. Get gorgeous lips. 3. Support Breast Cancer Awareness. How can you do all three? Check out Beauty Info Zone’s review of Coach, Origins, and Smashbox BCA limited edition goodies!

15 Minute Beauty is in the mood for pink! Is it October, is it the baby girl she’s expecting any day, or maybe just a really pretty pink lippie? She created an easy every day look tutorial, inspired by the pink lip crayon.

Check out Carrie from eyeliner on a cat‘s review of aroma M Camellia Perfume and an interview with its creator, Maria McElroy. This is one GORGEOUS floral fragrance you’ll not want to miss!

Contour and highlight might not be the most “exciting” part about makeup, but it adds so much to the face without seeming obvious! Sunny from Mostly Sunny gave Burberry Trench Sheer Eye Shadow and Earthy Blush Light Glow a go to see if they are the perfect candidates for the job!

Phyrra shares one of the prettiest palettes for Fall, the Anastasia Tamanna Palette. See her review, comparison and tutorial!

How about some fun and spooky bath treats for your tub? Pammy Blogs Beauty scopes out LUSH’s Halloween bath collection! Cute stuff!

Perilously Pale shares a review of her favourite pieces from the NARS Laced With Edge Holiday 2014 Collection. The Lip Glosses!

The Painted Rogue NEEDS YOU! 😀 She’s trying to put together the best ever Ultimate Pocket Guide to Pink Lipsticks and, while she has a lot of lipsticks, it’s your suggestions that will make this guide as complete as possible. Come on over and share your favourite MLBB lipstick!


Until next time, don’t forget to check for traps!


The Rogue’s Guide to Stealthy Pink Lipsticks is Now a Blog Feature…but I Still Need YOU! :-D

Greetings from the inner workings of the dungeon, fellow adventurers!


The Rogue's Ultimate Pocket Guide to Stealthy Pink Lipsticks

The Rogue’s Ultimate Pocket Guide to Stealthy Pink Lipsticks


A little update on my Ultimate Guide to Stealthy Pink Lipsticks – it’s now a proper blog feature! If you cast your eye up to the Menu Bar, you will see a shiny new section! It’s my intention to fill this with all sorts of different lipstick guides, starting with pink 😀

Many lovely bloggers and reader adventurers have generously donated their favourites to help make the guide more complete, complete with links to reviews and swatches where they have ’em. If you’d like to contribute your favourite stealthy/MLBB/pink(based) lipstick to the list, please let me know in the comments to the original post (here) or the comments to this post!

The more info you include, the better (such as what your skintone/colouring is, for example) – and if possible, I’d like the guide to cover as many different types, finishes, and brands of stealthy pink lipsticks as there are favourites, and, more importantly, as many skintones and undertones as possible!

Before you ask, yes, I’m planning to add other guides (such as  ‘Purples’ and ‘Vamps’ and ‘Reds’ and ‘Corals’ and ‘Nudes’,  and ‘Fuchsias’ …you get the idea), but we’re starting with pinks! Of course, it doesn’t stop you thinking up a few favourites from the other categories… 😉


Until next time, fellow rogues, don’t forget to check for traps – and let me know your faovurite stealthy pink lispticks! 😀


Want Quest-Proof Makeup? Lisa from Beauty Info Zone Has Primers For Every Adventurer!

Lisas top ten primers

For makeup that will last all the way there…and back again! 😀


Greetings from Lisa’s Hoard of Amazing Primers, fellow adventuers!


Tired of looking like a sad clown with melted makeup at the end of the day? Lisa from Beauty Info Zone gives you a completely updated list of her top ten primers!


Until next time, don’t forget to check for traps!



The Rogue’s Ultimate Pocket Guide to Stealthy Pink Lipsticks – I Need YOU!

Greetings from the pocket of an adventuring rogue, fellow..uh, adventuring rogues!

Today’s post is designed to help you out on those mornings when you have to be somewhere in five minutes (or less..or more..or you’ve gotten confused because of that wibbly wobbly timey wimey spell the wizard cast last night), and you can’t decide on a lipstick. You know, the druid and the wizard are nagging at you to get going, despite having agonized over their robes while you were checking the newly hired horses for traps, and you just need to look awesome and feel comfortable for any occasion…those times? We’ve all been there.

Adventuring with friends - who won't wait for you to choose a lipstick...

First they hassle you to get on with the whole lipstick thing, and now they have no idea where they’re going. This is what happens when you let the wizard lead, honestly…


In such difficult moments, I highly recommend the following: you know how you often have somewhere close to the door where you keep your extra daggers, hideout keys, Amulet of Not Getting Splashed By Passing Carts, etc? You need a Magical Chest of Inoffensive Pink Lipsticks, too. Like this one:


Magical Chest of Inoffensive Pink Lipsticks

A Magical Chest of Inoffensive Pink Lipsticks, awaiting your command…


They’re great. You just open it up, tell it what you want (or, you know, just stick your hand in), and if you’ve stocked it correctly you’ll always pull out something appropriate. Here, I’m going to suggest that classic of everyday wear, the pink lipstick (or gloss). If your everyday situation involves reds, you can tailor it to that. Or purples. Whatever floats your little rogueish seagoing craft. 🙂

Magical Chest of Inoffensive Pink Lipsticks

Inside… no, there are no teeth. It’s not a mimic…promise 😉

A pink lipstick is pretty much always appropriate. It adds bloom to your complexion and makes you look healthier (handy when you’ve been hit by a Hex of Withering or too many deadlines). You can work it with a smoky eye (good for tavern brawls or evenings at the opera) or a simple hint of liner (perfect for low key weekday adventures) and everything in between! It’s natural, pretty, and freshens up any outfit (great if you’ve just been in the Underdark for an extended period – uh, that’s some gelatinous cube you have cliniging to your shoe, by the way). Everyone has their own favourite ‘MLBB’ pink shade, whether it leans pinker, peachier, browner or beiger – if you’re looking for inspiration for a handy Magical Chest of Inoffensive Pink Lipsticks, here are a few of my favourites…

(Links to reviews are at the bottom of the post, along with a call to action!)


A few favourite MLBB pink lipsticks

Not actually all of the ‘MLBB’ pink lipsticks I own. Yes, I may have a problem. Zip it, you.


The Rogue’s Guide to A Few Great Inoffensive Pink Lipsticks

(click the image to enlarge itty bitty text!)


A Rogue's Guide to MLBB Pink LIpsticks Swatches

A Rogue’s Ultimate Pocket Guide to Inoffensive Pink Lipsticks (and how to order them out of your magical chest)


Now, in the interests of being more comprehensive, my fellow adventurers, I want to ask you: what would you put in such a chest (doesn’t have to be pink). While we are on the subject of inoffensive, MLBB, all-purpose pink, what are your favourites? I’m keen to hear from both fellow vampires, and non vampires alike! Help me out here, friends, and maybe I can update this post with some tips from you all to make it truly the ultimate Pocket Guide for adventurers! If you’ve got a review/swatch I can link to, so much the better! 🙂

Links to some spiffy reviews of the lipsticks above, plus more!

Clinique Chubby Stick in Chunky Cherry

Clinique Chubby Stick in Pudgy Peony

Revlon Super Lustrous Lipgloss in Snow Pink

Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter in Peach Parfait

Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick in Pink Sizzle

Revlon Lacquer Balm in Demure (also a great nude for pale rogues!)

Laura Mercier Creme Smooth Lip Colour in Antique Pink, Lip Glace in Blush and Lip Pencil in Plumberry (so much goodness)

Bloom Sheer Lipstick in Tangerine (my first even blog post *sniffle*)

Guerlain Rouge Automatique in Rose Lip (ugh, perfection)

Burts Bees Lipgloss in Rosy Dawn

Marc Jacobs Lovemarc Lip Gel in Have We Met?

Chanel Rouge Coco in Charme (my wedding lipstick!)



Until next time, fellow adventurers, don’t forget to check for traps!


I am an adventuring rogue, not a mercenary for hire, and as such, all opinions expressed here are my own, based on a genuine fondness for/interest in this product. If you have any queries or suggestions, please do not hesitate to pin your parchment to the board (contact me) at thepaintedrogue [at] gmail [dot] com., or use the contact form provided! All images and text on this blog are the property of The Painted Rogue unless otherwise stated. If you nick off with any of it, be prepared to find that your morning hot beverage tastes a little…different than usual. Didn’t the rogue say something the other day about that new poison that makes your inner ear itch maddeningly for the rest of your life? I think she did…

Answer Me These Questions Three! – A Suitably Geeky Makeup Poll #4

Greetings from behind a mythril clipboard, fellow rogues!

Well hello there! 😀 I’ve got lots of things planned for the blog over the next weeks and months, particularly once the weather gets more consistently Spring-y and I have, uh, light to photograph things with!  While things are a little quieter, however, I thought we might sit down around the campfire and have another chat, because I love hearing from you all. Blogging is fun, but the community is even better 🙂


Beauty Spotlight Team Adventures

The Skeletal Necromancer and ‘friends’. It’s all about the community with necromancers, really.


On with the questionnaire!! 😀

Questing is a serious business, and as every good adventurer knows, it’s hard to get by without a bit of help and knowledge from your fellow treasure seekers. Which is the best brand of hinge grease? How do you defeat an enchanted automaton before the shine even leaves your lipgloss? Just how many pies *can* a dwarf eat in one sitting?

In the spirit of such inquiry, I have devised the Rogue Approved Questionnaire for the Extraction of Secrets. Also known as ‘Answer Me These Questions Three’. The questions are simple, and you are free to answer as fully, as tersely, as logically or as fantastically as you like. Please only use blue or black ink, and consult the orc-xaminer if you require an additional answer booklet.

You can copy and paste the questions into the comment box, or just list your answers if you prefer 🙂


The Questions


  • A dwarven warrior, an orc shaman, and a half-elf rogue walk into a bar. Who’s rocking the coolest makeup for the evening and what is it? (Not a trick question)

  • If you could only wear ONE. SINGLE. LIPSTICK(BALM/THING). for the rest of your natural adventuring days, what would it be?

  • You’re sitting around the campfire, regaining some HP over an extended rest, when suddenly the cleric springs to her feet and points in horror directly behind you. What’s going on?


Makeup Poll

I asked these guys what their favourite brown ey- uh, socket liner was, and they argued for HOURS. Jeez…



I’m looking forward to reading your answers! 🙂


Until next time, fellow adventurers, don’t forget to check for traps!


I am an adventuring rogue, not a mercenary for hire, and as such, all opinions expressed here are my own, based on a genuine fondness for/interest in this product. If you have any queries or suggestions, please do not hesitate to pin your parchment to the board (contact me) at thepaintedrogue [at] gmail [dot] com. All content on this website, including images, is the property of the owner/author (Sylirael The Painted Rogue, unless otherwise stated), and may not be reproduced without permission. If you do, I’ll send Beholders after you. They’re angry, because they have conjunctivitis.