Quiz! Consider Your Reputation…Which Dungeon-Dweller are You?

Greetings, fellow rogues!

As some of you may be aware, I am participating in WordPress’s Zero to Hero program for January. Today’s challenge was to take the Daily Prompt for today and ‘make it your own’. The prompt was as follows:

‘Do you have a reputation? What is it, and where did it come from? Is it accurate? What do you think about it?’

Since I think you can all take a stab (haha!) at what a rogue’s reputation is like without me blathering on about myself, I thought I would take this opportunity to bring you another of my little quiz diversions. This time, you’ll get the chance to discover which dungeon-dwelling monster you most resemble, based on how you come across to others!

(Note, this is intended as a bit of fun only, I’m sure we’re all lovely people, not monstrous at all! …Right?) Feel free to cheat egregiously on this quiz, and let me know what you got in the comments down below!


Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged - but what do people *really* think of your fondness for wearing crowns and enormous statement necklaces?

Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged – but what do people *really* think of your fondness for wearing crowns and enormous statement necklaces?


Quiz! Consider Your Reputation…Which Dungeon-Dweller are You?


1. What are people’s first impressions of you?

A) Paralysing horror, apparently. Probably terror too. Their minds are so weak…but still juicy…
B) ‘Ew’.  flobble
C) Usually their last ones. Probably involving blood and fire. Also spiders.
D) Skinny, has a large group of friends. Well, newly summoned undead, technically.
E) They think I’m just one ugly brute in a mindless horde! I’ll show them!
F) What’s an impression? People are funny, hahaha! Who? I like meeting people. Is it time for meat yet?


2. What sort of people end up hanging out with you?

A) The sort of mindless drones who can’t think for themselves, usually. Sycophants have their advantages, though.
B) Anyone who stands still long enough, really. They only really ‘hang’ until I can digest them, though. blurp
C) None are worthy to ‘hang out’ with me. Anyone who gets close and extends the hand of friendship will have it severed.
D) Anyone from the nearby ground, really. Tend to be quiet types with poor personal hygiene.
E) Um, other people exactly like me, really. I suppose you coud say it was a bit of a horde situation…but we’re not mindless!
F) Lots of them. I have friends! Meat is tasty. I know, right? Wait, what?


3. How would your best friend describe you in three words?

A) What is this ‘friend’ concept you speak of?
B) [*three wet sucking sounds*]
C) Fierce. Devious. Deadly.
D) Wise. Slender. Powerful.
E) Honourable. Handsome. Brave.
F) Funny! Hahahahah! Fight?


4. What’s the last thing you overheard someone say about you?

A) If I recall correctly, it went some thing along the lines of ‘Arrrgh!’ I assume they meant me, because they were waving their arms in my general direction at the time.
B) ‘For the love of Corellon, get me out of this thing!’ jiggle
C) I’m not sure. It was obscured with the gargling noise when I opened their carotid artery.
D) ‘Wait a minute – that bookshelf he’s standing next to looks really heavy!’ Adventurers will have their little joke…can anyone help me up?
E) ‘Oh for goodness sake, not more of these guys!’ So rude.
F) ‘There’s more of the little ones’ Who, me? I’m not little. You’re too big. I have kinves. Want to see?


5. Do you ever worry about what people think of you?

A) People can think what they like – a mind with lots of thoughts is better-exercised and more flavourful than one without.
B) So long as they don’t give me indigestion, they can think what they like. schlorpp
C) Hah! Weak minded fools. All they need to think about is how their pitiful lives will end at my hands!!!
D) It does bother me a little when people are always harping on about how skinny I am. I can’t help it – I consume at least 10 souls a day, people!
E) I try not to, but people make so many assumptions and stereotypes based on appearance! It’s infuriating! I need to crush something….
F) Hahahaah! People say I laugh too much! They’re funny too. What’s worrying?  Thinking is hard. Time for stabby stab!


6. How would your worst enemy describe you – in three words?

A) Horrifying. Terrifying. Cephalopodal?
B) Far. Too. Sticky. schlupp
C) Anger. Management. Issues.
D) Needs. More. Flesh.
E) Hah! Probably: Ugly. Stupid. Smelly.
F) I love enemies! Hahahaha! They say ‘stupid. little. dungeon. vermin.’ How many words was that? Naptime!


7. Do you feel like your reputation gets in the way of moving forward in life?

A) Despite my reputation, people still come wandering across my path, offering up their juicy brains. So…no, not really.
B) Not as badly as gravel. That stuff gets stuck to me something fierce, creates drag, and it doesn’t even taste good! flopple
C) My reputation for muderous glory brings me nothing but acclaim amongst those whose opinion matters!
D) Haha, ‘life’. That’s a good one!
E) Does it ever! And it’s so unfair, because it’s not true at all!
F) What’s a reputation? Can I have one? Who are you? It’s time for meat. Hahahaha!


8. You get into an argument with someone. How does it end?

A) With a delicious meal…for me, anyway.
B) The arguments never start – it’s hard for them to speak once I’ve incorporated them into my bulk. tschlopp
C) With me stepping over their corpse. I don’t have time to argue – there’s pillaging to do.
D) I try to stay above it all, unless someone comments on my weight. Then the gloves are off, people!
E) With me adding to my trophy neckalce of ears and noses. Serves them right for underestimating me!
F) I love arguments! You’re wrong! Hahahahah! No, I’m wrong! Wait… never mind! Where are you going?




Mostly A: You’re a Mindflayer!

happy mindflayer

The Fearsome Mindflayer! This is my little doodle of a mindflayer. A much more traditional and terrifying rendering can be found here.


So, you’re a terrifying interdimensional being with an octopus for a face and a reputation for being…’brainy’. Or rather, fond of brains. Eating them, to be precise. Still, you never want for company, between the drow that are constantly trying to murder you or the thralls that you create from your helpless victims. You also look great in long black robes and constitute probably the only market for which purple tinted primer is actually a foundation. Yeah, life is pretty good, actually.


Mostly B: You’re a Gelatinous Cube!


My horrifying Gelatinous Cube, complete with partially digested adventurer. A more colourful rendering can be found here.

My horrifying Gelatinous Cube, complete with partially digested adventurer. A more colourful rendering can be found here.


*schlorp* You are what you eat, right? Guess that means your reputation must change on an adventurer-by-adventurer basis…but everyone insists on labelling you. Gelatinous. Cuboid. Sticky. Gross. Hard to get off a pair of boots. Well, technically those are all pretty accurate…fair call then. Now if only this rogue would hold still while you finished consuming them… *flobble*


Mostly C: You’re a Drow!

Angry Drow is Angry. My cartoon once again, a more exciting version of a drow can be found here.

Angry Drow is Angry. My cartoon once again, a more exciting version of a drow can be found here.


Humans are awful – always poinitng fingers, running, screaming, whining to everyone about how terrible and horrible you are, all because I might have maybe burned down a few of their villages and slaughtered all the inhabitants. Seriously! Some people are too sensitive. None of them would last five minutes in the Underdark – those wretched mindflayers would probably get to them first before we could round them up and sacrifice them to Lolth. Hah! and they call us ‘dark elves’ – elves are the worst, all smug and superior and eco friendly. Claiming we drow are all full of violence and hatred – by Lolth, I hate those guys! All of them! Arrgh! I need to kill something…


Mostly D: You’re a Skeletal Necromancer!



The Skeletal Necromancer and ‘friends’.


Honestly, you’re getting a bit sick of the skinny-shaming. Why can’t people stop obsessing over your weight long enough to recognise your awesome arcane powers? Now that reputation for being terrifying, that’s something you can get behind. You can raise an army of the undead at the snap of your fingers – sure, that means your annual budget for home deodorisers gets a bit steep, but it’s worth it when you see those adventurers flee in terror before your rotting army! Now if you could just get out from under this bookshelf filled with tomes of necromantic horror…you really should have secured it to the wall…


Mostly E: You’re an Orc!



Orcs, handsome masters of style and heroism, gather at the dungeon water cooler to exchange gossip.


Everyone thinks they know what an orc ‘is’, but you’re the real deal. Never mind all those people shoving negative stereotypes on you, you know you’re the best, bravest and handsomest there is – why, just the other day you added nine more trophies to your necklace of ears and noses! Don’t let the raggedy wolfskin loincloth and random bits of rusty armor tied to your bulk define your reputation – just crush anyone who looks askance at you!

Mostly F: You’re a Goblin!



What? Who? Me? Goblin! Hahahahahahahaaa!!! Where’s the meat?


Some people say you laugh too much. Hah! Laughing over their corpse maybe! Haha! Meat is great. Daggers are great too. Someone said your dagger was too rusty. Rusting in ther gut maybe! Haters gonna hate, right? Trust those whiny adventurers to get all judgy on you – especially those paladins, they’re the worst. Wait, is there some rat-jousting on? Where? I’m hungry. Wait for meeee!


Mostly…A bit of Everything? You’re a Shapeshifter!

Being just one thing is so boring, you can’t imagine how everyone else manages it. You’re a master of disguise and deception, and you can slip from one form to another more quickly than anyone can pin you down. As a result, your reputation is pretty mixed, and that’s only from the people who know you’re a shapeshifter (anyone else who has technically ‘met’ you is probably already dead,let’s be honest).


Thank you for taking the quiz – I hope it gave you a bit of a laugh! Share what you got in the comments below, if you’d like – do you think it’s accurate? 😉

Until next time, fellow monsters, don’t forget to check for adventurers!


I am an adventuring rogue, not a mercenary for hire, and as such, all opinions expressed here are my own, based on a genuine fondness for/interest in this product. If you have any queries or suggestions, please do not hesitate to pin your parchment to the board (contact me) at thepaintedrogue [at] gmail [dot] com., or use the contact form provided!

A Fun Quiz for New Year’s Day – What’s your Makeup and Beauty Adventuring Class?

Hello there, fellow rogues!… Or are you?

For a bit of fun at New Year, I’m bringing you a quiz! If you’ve ever wondered exactly which member of the beauty adventuring party you are, then wonder no longer! Syl is here to help.

Below are the questions: each question is based on a different ‘step’ in a standard beauty routine. You pick the corresponding answer that suits you best for each question, and then tally up the results at the bottom to discover which adventurer you are. 🙂

As you’ll probably be able to tell from the tone of questions, this is just a bit of fun for the holidays. The roles are based around some of the the classic stereotypes of the RPG classes: Warrior, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard, Druid and Paladin. There’s even an option for multiclassing, if you find you don’t fit into just one niche.

So have a go, and I hope you enjoy it! Let me know in the comments which result you got! By the way, if you see anything in the pictures that you’d like me to review next, let me know that in the comments as well!

Adventures in Beauty – The Makeup and Beauty Class Adventurer Quiz!

Benefit The Porefessional, YSL Top Secrets Flash Radiance Skincare, Benefit Girl Meets Pearl.

Benefit The Porefessional, YSL Top Secrets Flash Radiance Skincare, Benefit Girl Meets Pearl.

1. What are your thoughts on primers?

A) Eh, I can take them or leave them. Makeup tends to stay put pretty well in cool, dark environments.
B) My foundation will stay by the strength of my spirit alone!
C) Heavy physical exertion is the enemy of pristine foundation – prime me up!
D) Primer is a godsend – the area near my face changes from fireball hot to icy spear cold quite a lot while I’m working…
E) It’s not really my thing – do you have any idea how awkward it is to carry and apply lots of layers when you’re traveling outdoors?
F) Maybe, but only if it’s completely natural! There are some good clay-based ones…

Chanel Vitalumiere Compact Douceur in 10 Beige, YSL Top Secrets All-in-One BB Creme in Clear.

Chanel Vitalumiere Compact Douceur in 10 Beige, YSL Top Secrets All-in-One BB Creme in Clear.

2. So: foundation. What sort of coverage are you looking for?

A) A flawless complexion looks amazing when you’re dressed totally in black – whatever coverage achieves that for me is best!
B) My spirit is pure, and so is my skin, fortuntately. Sheer will do.
C) Well, full coverage is great for the scars, but generally the creatures trying to crush you don’t really mind. Whatever I feel like!
D) Actually, I have a spell that dynamically corrects my coverage.
E) Anything, so long as it’s matte. Or powder-based. I can’t have my dewy forehead glistening and alerting my quarry!
F) Even if I’m having a bad skin day, I still only like a sheer, natural-looking coverage. Maybe medium?

Lancome Long Lasting Softening Concealer in 02 Beige Sable, YSL Touche Eclat in 01.

Lancome Long Lasting Softening Concealer in 02 Beige Sable, YSL Touche Eclat in 01.

3. Do you use concealer much? Any problem areas?

A) When you stay up late a lot to use the shadows, you get corresponding ones under your eyes. Undereye concealing for me!
B) As I said, my skin is as pure as my spirit. I am fortunate that concealing isn’t really something I have to do.
C) If I want to cover these scars, I’m going to need some really good concealer. If I’m not in the mood to cover them, I’ll go without! Fierce!
D) I have lots of little marks from burns/frostbite/electrical shocks – concealer is a godsend!
E) I like the green concealer for toning down redness – it also matches my working environment!
F) Nobody really needs to conceal their natural appearance. Beauty takes many forms! (Although, when the pimple is *really* huge…)

Chanel Le Blush Creme de Chanel in 65 Affinite, Majolica Majorca Blood On Cheek and Lip Colour, Lancome Blush Subtil in 02 Rose Sable

Chanel Le Blush Creme de Chanel in 65 Affinite, Majolica Majorca Blood On Cheek and Lip Colour, Lancome Blush Subtil in 02 Rose Sable

4. Do you add a little flush to your cheeks?

A) I don’t bother much with blush – the sparkly ones are particularly bad if you’re trying to stay low-key.
B) I have the natural flush that comes from knowing that my life’s cause is just! Blush is unnecessary.
C) I’m generally so flushed from working that blush is a bit redundant. Plus, the bloodstains kind of do the job anyway?
D) I love a good sparkly, shimmery blush. Really adds to that ‘magical’ look. Can I have some highlighter too?
E) Blushes in mauve and brown shades are my favourite – they even double as camouflage when applied oustide the cheek area!
F) Natural flushes in pink and peach are my favourites, especially mineral powders or natural vegetable stains!

Uh, this rogue is so pale that she doesn't actually own either bronzer or contour! Here is a highlighter instead, Benefit's High Beam!

Uh, this rogue is so pale that she doesn’t actually own either bronzer or contour! Here is a highlighter instead, Benefit’s High Beam!

5. What’s your take on bronzing and contouring?

A) Bronzing and contouring don’t really show up well in the dark…I use the natural shadows around me!
B) My features are already flawlessly chiseled, and the shining rays of righteousness and hope have already bathed my face in a golden glow!
C) I’ve been known to dabble a bit on the old bronzer/contour. I think it gives a more striking effect on the battlefield!
D) Does it have shimmer? Because I’m totally there if it does. The soot stains from the rituals already do a bit of contouring – does that count?
E) I spend a lot of time outdoors, so I’m fairly bronzed already. Contours are great for camouflage paint though! Especially cream ones…
F) I like them, but only enough that it looks really natural. Blending is key!

Benefit Posietint, Lancome Color Fever Gloss in 321, Chanel Rouge Coco lipstick in 40 Charme, Urban Decay Super Saturated High Gloss Lipcolour in Adrenaline, Lancome Rouge in Love in 159B.

Benefit Posietint, Lancome Color Fever Gloss in 321, Chanel Rouge Coco lipstick in 40 Charme, Urban Decay Super Saturated High Gloss Lipcolour in Adrenaline, Lancome Rouge in Love in 159B.

6. What’s your favourite product for lips?

A) I love a good bright lipstick. The more unconventional, the better. I answer to no-one, and it makes me feel unstoppable!
B) At most a light stain. My lips are naturally flushed with the purity of my cause. I think.
C) I like a good classic red. Especially matte and opaque. Goes with the bloodstains, makes a strong impression on those around you, stays put!
D) Anything with glitter. Sparkly lipsticks. Shimmery lipsticks, glitter glosses on top of sparkly lipsticks. Actual glitter pressed onto lipstick!
E) I’m a huge fan of the nude lip. Especially a nice, moisturising, long lasting nude lipstick.
F) I like lots of different colours, but they need to be vegan!

Lancome Ombre Hypnose in M204 Tres Chocolat, Bare Minerals Eyecolour in Envy, Maybelline Hyper Diamonds palette in BU-1

Lancome Ombre Hypnose in M204 Tres Chocolat, Bare Minerals Eyecolour in Envy, Maybelline Hyper Diamonds palette in BU-1

7. Eyeshadow: what’s your policy?

A) I love a good smokey eye. Perfect for evening! I must have about a thousand smokey black/grey/taupe/brown shadows!
B) My eyes already burn brightly with zealous fervour, but a little contrasting shadow never hurts to bring out the colour…
C) I like a variety of colours, but it needs to be a good long-wearing cream shadow that will stay put and apply quickly!
D) GLITTER EYESHADOW OMG. It needs to be classy, multidimensional glitter, though. None of this chunky, fallout prone rubbish.
E) I like browns and greens. Matte is a bonus, since I can’t have any sparkly bits getting into my eyes and obscuring my razor keen vision!
F) A natural, everyday palette is best for me. I’m a fan of the no-makeup makeup look when it comes to eyeshadow!

Urban Decay 27/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil in Cuff, Maybelline Eyestudio Gel Liner in Charcoal, Kiko Makeup Milano Glitter Eyeliner in 01

Urban Decay 27/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil in Cuff, Maybelline Eyestudio Gel Liner in Charcoal, Kiko Makeup Milano Glitter Eyeliner in 01

8. Eyeliner: Yea or Nay?

A) A smoked out black liner is my favourite – perfect for nighttime, it’s dramatic and boosts the confidence. What’s not to love?
B) A little bit of gold or silver eyeliner does match my armour wonderfully…metallic eyeliner: armor for the eyes!
C) Did you know people used to wear kohl to help keep the glare out of their eyes? I heard that somewhere – I want to try it on the battlefield!
D) There are so many wonderful, jewel-toned glitter eyeliners out there. My eyes will always sparkle! Did I mention that I like glitter?
E) A good everyday brown liner is my best friend – it needs to wear like iron though, so I prefer a gel formula!
F) Eyeliner just doesn’t look natural enough for me…although, a little bit of flesh tone eyeliner in the waterline does help ‘wake me up’…

Lancome Hypnose Doll Eyes, Chanel Inimitable, Dior Iconic Overcurl, Estee Lauder Sumptuous Extreme, Benefit They're Real

Lancome Hypnose Doll Eyes, Chanel Inimitable, Diorshow Iconic Overcurl, Estee Lauder Sumptuous Extreme, Benefit They’re Real

9. And mascara?

A) A good black waterproof mascara is a must – dramatic, sultry eyes under all conditions (although it is a bit of a pain to get off).
B) I was blessed with naturally long, curly, thick lashes. Mascara would be gilding the lily somewhat, don’t you think?
C) I can never really be bothered with mascara – it always seems to clump on me and get in my eyes! A quick squeeze with the curlers though, now that makes me look alert!
D) I like the idea of coloured mascara, although they seldom get it right. Have you seen those dramatic, artistic paper false lashes though? Glorious!
E) If I bother, it’s usually brown mascara. I don’t want my eyes to stand out that much and give my position away…
F) I like to try out natural formulae. Some of the usual ones just smell so chemical!

Lavera Naturkosmetik lip balm in Raspberry, Badger Lip Balm in Vanilla Madagascar, Michael Todd True Organics Tropical Fruit Enzymoe Exfoliant Scrub, The Body Shop Almond Oil Hand Rescue Treatment

Lavera Naturkosmetik lip balm in Raspberry, Badger Lip Balm in Vanilla Madagascar, Michael Todd True Organics Tropical Fruit Enzyme Exfoliant Scrub, The Body Shop Almond Oil Hand Rescue Treatment

10. Lastly: Favourite skincare item?

A) Running around out in the cold nighttime air and wind wreaks havoc on the complexion. I love a good moisturiser!
B) When you face evil daily, a good exfoliator helps to purify one’s tainted pores and restore one’s righteous glow. Essential!
C) I’ll try anything that helps to soothe scars, cuts, grazes, and sensitive skin. My skin takes a beating…
D) When you work with your hands all the time, weaving the arcane, a beautiful softening, repairing handcream is your best friend.
E) After a day spent lying in the dirt with camouflage paint on, a good strong cleanser is a must.
F) There are a lot of wonderful natural, vegan lip balms out there – you can even make your own. Lovely!


Mostly A: You’re a Rogue!

A rogue busy with a trapped treasure chest.

A rogue busy with a trapped treasure chest.

The shadows, rafters and rooftops are your home. You’re daring, flexible and a bit cheeky, and you know how to work a look to turn the head of every person in the room. If there’s anyone who can pull off a smokey eye AND a bright lip at the same time, it’s you! High dexterity makeup application is your forte, and you always look poised under any conditions.

Mostly B: You’re a Paladin!

Hilarion, burning with righteous fervour as usual.

Hilarion, burning with righteous fervour as usual.

Let the others roll their eyes if they want – you know that your purity of spirit and the righeousness of your true and just cause will carry you through anything. Defending the weak and vanquishing evil doesn’t require much makeup – let’s face it, you’re pretty blessed anyway when it comes to your complexion. A little enhancement never hurt anyone, though…you have a weakness for eye products that bolster the natural charisma of your gaze (which is pretty high anyway, but still).

Mostly C: You’re a Warrior!

Sigryn is also an expert in craft beers.

Sigryn is also an expert in craft beers.

You work hard and the conditions are tough. Swinging heavy weapons, dodging flying blood and troll entrails – your makeup needs to be practical, hard wearing, and help you to make a lasting impression on those you face on the battlefield. You like looks that are both strong and strength-enhancing. If it matches the colours of your shield, this is a bonus.

Mostly D: You’re a Wizard!

Shalmanassar,  in mid fireball.

Shalmanassar, mid-fireball. Or possibly at a rock concert.

You’re a master of arcane enchantment, illusion and knowledge. You’d like your appearance to reflect your magical nature and skills, and as such you’re a master at carrying off glitter-based looks.  No-one can sparkle as elegantly  and vibrantly as you! People forget that the person on the originating end of the spell catches some of it too, and fireballs, lightning bolts and icy spears are very hard on the skin. Consequently, you’re also the smartest around at the illusion of minor concealing!

Mostly E: You’re a Ranger!

A forest. Also pictured, a semi-camouflaged ranger.

A forest. Also pictured, a semi-camouflaged ranger.

Stalking your prey silently through the forest, disappearing into the natural environment around you and surviving in the wild are your gifts. You need a makeup routine that fits in with this, and that means no frills, and colours that complement your camouflage. You’re good at multi-tasking with products, achieving natural looks with the minimum of fuss, and eyecatching sparkle and glitter are your worst nightmare. Nude makeup is your specialty!

Mostly F: You’re a Druid!

A druid, so natural she's not even painted...

A druid, so natural she’s not even painted…

You are one with nature. Every natural thing is dear to you, and it is the source of your power and skill. You have a strong belief in keeping things as minimal and natural as possible, preferring vegan, organic options and avoiding heavy, concealing makeup and artifical colours. You’re not averse to adding a bit of pigment to your life, though – after all, nature is all about the power of showing your true colours!

Mostly…A bit of Everything? You can Multiclass!

Yes, we’re not confined to just one adventutring class arond here! Maybe you’re an arcane warrior, or a rogueish ranger. Maybe you’re even a Wizrangewarriroguidaladin. You borrow from several different schools of thought when it comes to makeup, and you like variety and choice above all!

Thank you for taking the quiz – I hope it gave you a bit of a chuckle to brighten your brand new year! Wishing you all a very Happy New Year, and the best of luck for keeping those resolutions!

Until next time, fellow adventurers, don’t forget to check for traps! Or get the rogue to do it – it’s kind of their job.


I am an adventuring rogue, not a mercenary for hire, and as such, all opinions expressed here are my own, based on a genuine fondness for/interest in this product. If you have any queries or suggestions, please do not hesitate to pin your parchment to the board (contact me) at thepaintedrogue [at] gmail [dot] com., or use the contact form provided!