The Beauty Spotlight Team: What’s in the Kitbag of a Swashbuckling Adventurer Mama?


What does an adventuring mama take in her kitbag?

What does an adventuring mama take in her kitbag?



Greetings from the depths of a rogue mum’s kitbag, fellow rogues!


Ever wondered, “What are the on-the-go essentials are for a busy Mommy Beauty Blogger?” Pammy Blogs Beauty opens up her “Mommy Bag” to share her basic, beauty, and baby/toddler go-to items! Not to mention, you have to check out her chic version of a baby bag. Hey, now that Pammy is over 40, a mother of 2, and lives in the burbs, it doesn’t mean that she has lost her cool, lol (never, gasp)!


Until next time, don’t forget to check for traps (especially where children are present)!



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