Who Do I Want on My Adventuring Team? <3 Blogs I Love, Part 1! <3

Greetings from the heart of a band of true and noble adventurers, fellow rogues!

As you know, the most important part of an adventurous quest is not the loot, all the glittering treasures you clasp to your jerkin as you outrun a dragon’s searing annoyance. It’s not the glory, the foaming tankards of ale that you  throw over your shoulder as you try to master quaffing. It’s not even the frisson of danger, the tingle that keeps you sharp in the face of hidden blade traps and disgruntled drow…  😉

Nope, it’s the band of true and noble adventurers you have at your side: the rogue who disarms the traps and pops up out of nowhere to backstab the orc trying to behead you. The berserker who rampages past, shedding goblin heads like autumn foliage as she cuts through the crowd that threatened to overwhelm you. The cleric who purges the undead from the battlefield in a burst of searing radiance just as that zombie was about to bite your face off. You get the idea – without our friends,  our fellow treasure seekers, we’re faceless, headless, and covered in goblins (no, I didn’t know how to round that off either). 😀

DnD adventuring party

Every adventure is better with stalwart allies. And a birdman, obviously.

On that slightly overwrought note, let me introduce you to a few bloggers that I absolutely adore. As you can see above, this is a ‘Part 1’,  so there are more amazing adventurers to come! I made a little list, and threw the names into a hat, and these were the first 3 that came out. This is also a valid method for putting together your quest party, but of course it helps when you only have the finest quality adventurers in the hat anyway! There’ll be some familiar faces here, but if I manage to introduce even one reader to the magic of these bloggers, that’s treasure enough for me :-).

Click on the photo to visit the corresponding blog!

(P.S. Being a rogue, I shamelessly stole the forthcoming pictures from the blogs in question, but of course they are the property of the respective bloggers! (The one above is mine))

The Sorceress Jaa (Hello Jaa)

The stunning Jaa! Look at those eyeshadow skills. LOOK AT THEM.

Jaa is many different kinds of awesome. She’s a scientist, a beauty blogger, a stellar photographer, and a might-as-well-be-professional webdesigner. Her blog is even bilingual. Because she is so epically, disgustingly multitalented, I have hired her into the party as our sorceress! I figure that whether we need her to summon, fireball or scry, she’ll have us covered! ^_^ The reason you should go immediately and visit her blog, however, is that she’s also a super lovely person. ❤

The (Rock)Bard Rae (the Notice)


Bards are tricky. Some people consider them even to be a specialised flavour of rogue, using music and sass to distract, debuff *and* buff. In Rae’s case: you see that sweet, pretty face with the killer bone structure? That face belies a razor sharp wit, epic makeup skills and rad writing (and possibly untold skill with a lute. I’ve never asked). She entertains, she amazes, and she takes a mean photo. Like our sorceress, she’s also a spiffing person, just to top it all off. ❤

The Battlemage Melissa (Kiss & Make-Up)

Bad. Ass. Ain’t no Mindflayer getting past here…

There’s just no messing with Melissa. She’s another bilingual blogger. Her eyeshadow looks put mine to shame. She casts a mean fireball, and even agreed to do some epic geeky collaborations when a strange rogue emailed her about them. This is the kind of magic person you want on your adventuring team – a charming, geeky mage who can kick serious butt, looking utterly fabulous all the while. ❤


So! Those are the first three adventurers out of my Hat of Awesome. I hope you enjoy (or are already enjoying!) their blogs as much as I do! 😀 Stay tuned for more in upcoming editions of this post…


Until next time, fellow adventurers, don’t forget to check for traps!


I am an adventuring rogue, not a mercenary for hire, and as such, all opinions expressed here are my own, based on a genuine fondness for/interest in this product. If you have any queries or suggestions, please do not hesitate to pin your parchment to the board (contact me) at thepaintedrogue [at] gmail [dot] com., or use the contact form provided! All images and text on this blog are the property of The Painted Rogue unless otherwise stated. If you nick off with any of it, watch out for the pixies that come in the night and snap your eyelids against your eyeballs while droning nursery rhymes at you.