Answer Me These Questions Three! – A Suitably Geeky Makeup Poll #8

Greetings from behind a mythril clipboard, fellow rogues!

Well hello there! 😀 As you may know, I’ve been mingling with the shadows at a conference for the past week, so I haven’t been able to interact with you all as much as I would like (the sheer magnificence of our conference literally broke the internet in the town it was being held in). In the interests of diving back into my beloved beauty adventuring community, let’s hear what you’ve got to say!


writing a PhD thesis

That moment when you get back from a conference and realise the undergraduate summer students have been ‘borrowing’ your desk again…

On with the questionnaire!! 😀

Questing is a serious business, and as every good adventurer knows, it’s hard to get by without a bit of help and knowledge from your fellow treasure seekers. Which is the best brand of smokebomb? How do you juggle six lockpicks while goblins are nibbling at your shins? Just how much blush *can* a half-elf wear at once?

In the spirit of such inquiry, I have devised the Rogue Approved Questionnaire for the Extraction of Secrets. Also known as ‘Answer Me These Questions Three’. The questions are simple, and you are free to answer as fully, as tersely, as logically or as fantastically as you like. Please only use blue or black ink, and consult the orc-xaminer if you require an additional answer booklet.

You can copy and paste the questions into the comment box, or just list your answers if you prefer 🙂

The Questions

  • You’re presenting a keynote at the next adventuring conference. What’s your topic, and what’s your presentation outfit?

  • If you could only wear ONE. SINGLE. NON-BLACK EYELINER. for the rest of your natural adventuring days, what would it be?

  • Your party was all geared up for battle, but when you reached the boss demon, he challenged you to a Monkey Island-style battle of insults instead! Do you laugh in his face and dive in full-daggers, or do you take him up on it? What’s your favourite zany insult to best the Demon King?

Makeup Poll

I asked these guys what their favourite browbone highlight was, and the debate on ‘eyeshadow’ vs. ‘a good pumice polishing’ went on for HOURS. Sheesh!

 I’m looking forward to reading your answers! 🙂

Until next time, fellow adventurers, don’t forget to check for traps!


I am an adventuring rogue, not a mercenary for hire, and as such, all opinions expressed here are my own, based on a genuine fondness for/interest in this product. If you have any queries or suggestions, please do not hesitate to pin your parchment to the board (contact me) at thepaintedrogue [at] gmail [dot] com. All content on this website, including images, is the property of the owner/author (Sylirael The Painted Rogue, unless otherwise stated), and may not be reproduced without permission. If you do, I’ll send Beholders after you. They’re angry, because they have conjunctivitis.

14 thoughts on “Answer Me These Questions Three! – A Suitably Geeky Makeup Poll #8

  1. 1. “Dealing with devotion – When your minions want to mingle” Minions as in conjured creatures, of course.
    And I am wearing a robe, slightly bodycon but screaming expensive .

    2. MAC “Avenue” Gel Eyeliner. Dark dark Brown with subtile golden glitter.

    3. I accept and start by telling him: I conjured your mother the other day, but she was too fat to enter the circle.


  2. First, thanks for making me watch Monty Python, omg cannot stop laughing 😀
    1. ‘Endangered weaponry – limited edition lipsticks 😀 ‘, I am wearing a black cape
    2. Blue as in Revlon Blooming Blue
    3. I think I will just stay quiet, and bore them with my silence 😀


  3. #1 I hate presenting in front of the crowd! If I had to, my topic would be related to my project of course. Hehe. My outfit would be a nice long-sleeved blouse, a dark-colored blazer, and skinny jeans. Well, that’s what I wore at my last presentation. LOL.

    #2 Non-black liner would of course be the MAC Pearlglide Intense Eye Liner in Petrol Blue! But you probably know that by now. 😉

    #3 Come again? LOL. I seriously have no idea what you are asking. Oops! ^_^


  4. 1. My topic is not splitting the party. 99% of the time, it’s bad. The acceptable one percent is .5% dwarf fart escaping or .5% escaping the 50 millionth Paladin lecture/soliloquy about virtue and how awesome he is. Those are the only acceptable times for party splitting. As for what I’m wearing, my first thought was ‘some badass bitch get up’ but I’m about as badass as a bouquet of sunflowers. I’m probably wearing a maxi skirt and a bright top with a cardigan sweater and a skinny belt.

    2. It would be purple for sure. Not sure what brand though.

    3. Being the master of witty reparté that I am, I will most certainly engage in the battle of insults. He will return to his mother’s basement when I’m done with him. CALL THE BURN UNIT, I’M FIRED UP!


  5. 1. ‘How to outrun murlocs.’ And for the occasion I’d dress up in my murloc suit.

    2. My new green Estée Lauder eye pencil, fo sho!

    3. I don’t do jokes so I say dagger the bastard! See if that’ll make him laugh. HAH!


  6. Pingback: The Beauty Spotlight Team returns with some special posts

  7. Pingback: Lush, Pixie Beauty, Geeky Beauty and More | Phyrra - Beauty for the Bold

  8. You’re presenting a keynote at the next adventuring conference. What’s your topic, and what’s your presentation outfit?
    1. The topic is Tarot, Archetype, and the Dark Night of the Soul. The dress is a sheath, burgundy, crepe, knee length, and black pumps.

    If you could only wear ONE. SINGLE. NON-BLACK EYELINER. for the rest of your natural adventuring days, what would it be?
    2. Physicians Formula Lash Boosting Eyeliner with Serum in black brown, although technically, this is more like a black eyeliner for me, as I seldom wear black liner–too harsh.

    Your party was all geared up for battle, but when you reached the boss demon, he challenged you to a Monkey Island-style battle of insults instead! Do you laugh in his face and dive in full-daggers, or do you take him up on it? What’s your favourite zany insult to best the Demon King?
    3. I laugh in his face, and I bust out every ya mama joke I know…. Ya mama so ugly, when she tired to enter an ugly competition, they turned her away–no professionals. Ya mama got a mouth on the back of her neck. When she chews, (roll head back and forward, back and forward). Ya mama got a peg leg with a kickstand. Ya mama so fat, when she went to Japan, Godzilla said, DAMN, and ran away….


  9. 1. Haha, how about something like, “The Future of Lock-Picking in the New Millennium”
    After which, I lock everyone in and figure that *if* they were listening, they *should* be able to get out again. As for the outfit, the pieces themselves probably aren’t that important, excepting of course large pockets or a rucksack, because you never know what someone may have left unattended while they may or may not have been trying to unlock the lecture hall door….

    Bad Rachel. It’s been a long day, and I must be in a feisty mood. lol

    2. Something dirty-olive-golden-khaki-ish? I own like…two eyeliners. One is that colour, and the other I never wear anyways.

    3. Well, in order to have an effective battle of wits with the boss, he needs to be able to understand the insults I’m throwing at him. And what tends to leave my compatriots and I in stitches, conversely tends to leave the enemy scratching their heads. Sooooooo……….daggers it is.


  10. Question 2: Gosh Intense Eye Liner Pen in brown. It’s the liner closest to a liquid and a crayon at the same time. The softer lines of a crayon, with the staying power of a liquid, in an intense brown. I would obviously have to choose this!


  11. Pingback: The Beauty Spotlight Weekend Reads! Prime Beauty Blog

  12. Pingback: The Beauty Spotlight Team Round-Up for 22nd February, 2015

  13. Keynote on how to dress properly in the cold, because some of the “winter fashion” I’m seeing on the internet is just insane. Like… why bother with a down coat if you’re going to expose your bare toes??

    Non-black eyeliner, hrmmmm. I think a sparkly green Pixi eyeliner pencil. Yeah, why not?

    And daggers since we got all geared up. LOL @ Jaa’s response to #3 😀


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