Who Do I Want on My Adventuring Team? <3 Blogs I Love, Part 2! <3

Greetings from the heart of a band of true and noble adventurers, fellow rogues!

As you know, the most important part of an adventurous quest is not the loot, all the glittering treasures you clasp to your jerkin as you outrun a dragon’s searing annoyance. It’s not the glory, the foaming tankards of ale that you  throw over your shoulder as you try to master quaffing. It’s not even the frisson of danger, the tingle that keeps you sharp in the face of hidden blade traps and disgruntled drow…  😉

Nope, it’s the band of true and noble adventurers you have at your side: the rogue who disarms the traps and pops up out of nowhere to backstab the orc trying to behead you. The berserker who rampages past, shedding goblin heads like autumn foliage as she cuts through the crowd that threatened to overwhelm you. The cleric who purges the undead from the battlefield in a burst of searing radiance just as that zombie was about to bite your face off. You get the idea – without our friends,  our fellow treasure seekers, we’re faceless, headless, and covered in goblins (no, I didn’t know how to round that off either). 😀

DnD adventuring party

Every adventure is better with stalwart allies. And a birdman, obviously.

On that slightly overwrought note, let me introduce you to a few more bloggers that I absolutely adore. As you can see above, this is a ‘Part 2’,  so I’ve already mentioned three amazing adventurers here, and there are more amazing adventurers to come! I made a little list, and threw the names into a hat, and these were the second 3 that came out. This is also a valid method for putting together your quest party, but of course it helps when you only have the finest quality adventurers in the hat anyway!

There’ll be some familiar faces here, but if I manage to introduce even one reader to the magic of these bloggers, that’s treasure enough for me :-).

Click on the photo to visit the corresponding blog!

(P.S. Being a rogue, I shamelessly stole the forthcoming pictures from the blogs in question, but of course they are the property of the respective bloggers! (The one above is mine))

The Wizard(ess) Sunny (Mostly Sunny)


Sunny from Mostly Sunny

Sunny, wielding her signature Coral Lip of +1 to Flawless Fresh Elegance



Sunny is all the things, really. She’s a linguist, a beauty blogger, faultlessly elegant, and so nice it’s almost offensive to boot. Because of all this, I have hired her into the party as our wizard(ess)! You need a high intelligence stat to be a good wizard (especially specialising in linguistics), and Sunny’s is through the roof, so I figure whether we need her to identify tricky arcane artefacts of lipstick, or be the translator in some tense negotiations with the Goblin King, she’ll have us covered! In either case, you also need to visit her blog, like, yesterday. ❤

The Swashbuckler Liz (Beauty Reductionista)


Liz from Beauty Redcutionista

All fabulous, all the time.


Swashbuckling is absolutely a class. What’s more, it’s a fabulous class. Liz is the perfect example of this, combining down to earth beauty buzz, a wicked sense of humour and unparalleled skill with a scimitar (presumably), all while rocking red lipstick. Her piratically practical charm is so unmatched, she has even compared sea salt hair sprays, so you don’t have to. Like our wizard(ess), she’s also a top notch sweetheart, just to put the doubloon on top of the sundae, so to speak. Her blog. Check it. ❤

The Well-Read Ranger of Auxiliary Beauty 


Auxiliary Beauty

Navigating the jungles of grad school, lipstick by lipstick .


Like yours truly, Auxiliary Beauty is currently working her way through the specialised type of horrortainment jungle dungeon known as grad school. This generates a lot of fellow feeling, but I’m hiring her into our party as the ranger for more than just someone to talk #gradcore with. She’s sharp as a razor, very well read, has gorgeous green eyes and always look like she fell, perfectly imperfectly, out of the 1930s (damn her). If there’s anyone who can navigate jungles and hunt down theses/dinner/literary jokes/fabulous taupe eyeshadows, Auxiliary Beauty is it. If you’d like to bask in her wit and talent yourself, please do visit her blog. Now. ❤


So! Those are the second three adventurers out of my Hat of Awesome. I hope you enjoy (or are already enjoying!) their blogs as much as I do! 😀 Stay tuned for more in upcoming editions of this post…


Until next time, fellow adventurers, don’t forget to check for traps!


I am an adventuring rogue, not a mercenary for hire, and as such, all opinions expressed here are my own, based on a genuine fondness for/interest in this product. If you have any queries or suggestions, please do not hesitate to pin your parchment to the board (contact me) at thepaintedrogue [at] gmail [dot] com., or use the contact form provided! All images and text on this blog are the property of The Painted Rogue unless otherwise stated. If you nick off with any of it, watch out for the pixies that come in the night and snap your eyelids against your eyeballs while droning nursery rhymes at you.

29 thoughts on “Who Do I Want on My Adventuring Team? <3 Blogs I Love, Part 2! <3

    • LOL, I bet she wouldn’t struggle with queues much! ^_^ I’m so glad you enjoyed it – it’s so much fun frolicking about strewing warm fuzzies across the paths of my readers and fellow bloggers 😀


  1. LOL aww Syl, that’s too nice of you! I will gladly take on the job of interpreting for you and the Goblin King, you know, once I figure out how to speak Goblin LOL

    I’m in good company here! Liz I know (of course), but now I’ve got to check out Auxiliary Beauty. She’s a BEAUTY!


    • I KNOW RIGHT?! The envy, I haz it, LOL! 😉

      You’re more than welcome, Sunny! I think I have an English-Goblin lexicon around here somewhere…mostly you just have to gargle and snarl, but, like, *meaningfully*. ^_^


    • Hi Carolyn! It’s always lovely to have you stop by 🙂 I am doing well, although part of the reason for my complete shambles of a posting/commenting schedule at the moment is my PhD thesis, which is due in…two weeks or so T_T. I need to pop over and catch up on what you’ve been up to!


  2. Liz’s blog is actually one of the very, very first blogs I read and enjoyed. She is my OG of beauty blogs. And Sunny with her beautiful photos and awesome glimpses of new releases…! SIGH!
    Auxiliary Beauty is my treat for brainy and funny. I adore her so! Thanks for featuring them and expanding their audience further!


  3. Aww, Syl, thank you for featuring me! <333 Sunny and Liz are two of my favorites, of course, and I'm honored to share a post with them. And now I'll have to look up what a ranger actually does, because I know nothing of such things…

    By the way, I hope your thesis is going well. You're so close to being Dr. Rogue!


    • You’re welcome ❤ #gradcore! I am indeed close. So close, in fact, that it feel a bajillion miles away… *sigh*

      LOL, you should talk to Ooly. Mostly it's about the crossbows, I feel. Once you get comfortable with one of those, the rest is a piece of cake…


  4. YES! Everyone needs Sunny on their side. Oh I just made her sound like a style of cooking eggs. Unintentional I assure you!

    Stacey | Expat Make-Up Addict xx


    • Hehe, I’m sure she knows what you mean, LOL! I have many awesome blogs in my hat, and I always get excited to see who comes out! As in, I actually have a had that I pull names out of. It’s a pith helmet, actually, a real one!


    • Hehe, I think every adventuring tem needs at least one cat lady, really. If it’s a blogging party, then I think the odds are pretty high of getting one too – I feel rather left out some days, in my catless state, LOL!


    • Yay! ^_^ *rolls in huge pile of general shared blog warm fuzzies*

      I promise I will show my face around your awesome blog again soon. In the meantime, I will have to live through your IG feed, and the ‘like’ button. I know I shouldn’t babble about this sort of thing, but THIS DAMN THESIS is getting in the way of all my fun! 😛


  5. Welcome to the team, everyone! I’m the sorceress and you all should take orders from me!!! Bhwhwahahah hehe I’m kidding of course. 😀 I’m a regular reader at Sunny’s and Liz’s so I know they are awesome people and I’m going to check out Auxiliary Beauty after this! She sounds really cool!

    Grad student life… been there… done that…. ;D Push push! You’re almost there!!


    • Sorceress Jaaaaa…. help meeee….. *extends hand, while half stuck in the Gelatinous Cube of Grad School*. I’m almost out of iiiiiitttt…(into a postdoc, probably, LOL!)

      I hopw you love Auxiliary Beauty as much as I do!!


  6. Pingback: The Beauty Spotlight Team shares the best of beauty

  7. Pingback: Weekend Beauty Reads & The Makeup Show Orlando | Phyrra - Beauty for the Bold

  8. What an honour! I accept my swashbuckling label with great pride. The scimitar’s presence is constant though few know it exists. 😉 Happy to join Team Rogue with the wizardess and ranger, all who I admire and enjoy the company of.


  9. Pingback: The Beauty Spotlight Team Round-Up for 16th November, 2014

  10. Pingback: The Beauty Spotlight Team Weekly Reads Prime Beauty Blog

  11. Pingback: Tales of Adventure from the Beauty Spotlight Team! Magical Meteorites, Purification Rituals and Intoxicating Elixirs! | The Painted Rogue

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