Which Ones are Poisonous Again? A Toxically Cute Toadstool Manicure from Ooly the Ranger

Greetings from the shadowy depths of the forest floor, fellow rogues!

As everyone knows, you must always check for traps. In dungeons, we rogues locate and disarm all sorts of dastardly potential pitfalls, but out in the wilderness, sometimes you need to turn to the trusty ranger in your party. Although I’m reasonably adept at using the poisons that come out of assorted funghi, I have to admit that I could use a refresher on identifying them in the wild. Fortunately, Ooly the ranger is here to show you a fabulous manicure that will help you to remember what not to eat! Also, it’s terribly cute.

Without further ado, I’ll hand you over to Ooly!

Toadstool Nails, Ranger-Style

Hi! I’m Ooly, a mountain ranger type. I enjoy the snow and ice, reading, the view from a comfy tree at sunset, crafting my own projectile weapons and weaving nets for traps. Also, nail polish.

I’m hijacking Syl’s blog with a set of toadstool nails that feature a recent random acquisition of mine: Covergirl Outlast Stay Brilliant Glosstini in #515 Sangria, from the Tropical Collection (LE).

Toadstool Manicure - Covergirl Glosstini in Sangria

Sangria: it’s good for you. Contains fruit.

I bought it on a winter whim, as part of a 5 for $25 deal from a pedlar who happened to pass through my neck of the frozen woods. If he’d been offering me sangria that was actually this red, I’d have suspected a poisoner lurking about: the only time I usually see this colour is on top of those toadstools that are cute, but better left to themselves.

In the snowy whiteness that is my current world, though, this is a pleasure. It’s eye-catching but not scary; bright and cheerful, like the fire that’s roasting my dinner, with a very, very faint pearliness to what is otherwise solid, glossy colour. It goes on well, and if you were careful but in a hurry, you could probably get away with one coat. Wears well, too, and doesn’t stain.

Oddly, I almost immediately developed a strong desire to take to it with some French white and my dotting tool. So I did.

Toadstool Manicure - Covergirl Glosstini in Sangria

Pretty…but deadly?

The kit: these nails have a base of Chanel Base Protectrice (never leave the cave without it). Two coats of Sangria, dots in Manicare French White (because that’s what I had – any solid white will do). Top coat is Chanel Vernis Cristallin (Nail Glaze) in #95 Diaphane, because my other top coat ran out, but honestly, you could use any. Add a two-ended dotting tool, a bit of patience, and there we go! Toadstools. 🙂

Toadstool Manicure - Covergirl Glosstini in Sangria, Chanel base coat, Chanel topcoat, Manicare French White

Left to right: armor; liquid courage; frosting; relic. Foreground: Double-ended weapon of choice.

My favourite mani-comment ever came today, from a three-year-old boy in the village, reaching out to touch my thumbnail: “Look, mushrooms! Shiny, so shiny.” ♥

Covergirl Outlast Stay Brilliant Glosstinis: NZ$5 (about US$4) each, from wherever stocks Covergirl near you. Since they were LE, it will be whatever’s left, but there seem to be some still around online.

Until I learn to spit gold, no one will pay me for my opinions! Alas. And so, I return to my mountain dwelling. Good hunting, friends. And always look up.

Thanks Ooly, for the fabulous manicure and the words of rangery wisdom 🙂

Until next time, fellow adventurers, don’t forget to check what you’re eating before you eat it!


I am an adventuring rogue, not a mercenary for hire, and as such, all opinions expressed here are my own, based on a genuine fondness for/interest in this product. If you have any queries or suggestions, please do not hesitate to pin your parchment to the board (contact me) at thepaintedrogue [at] gmail [dot] com., or use the contact form provided! All images on this blog, are the property of the author of this blog (unless otherwise stated) and may not be reproduced without permission. If you do, I’ll send minotaurs after you. Crazed ones.