Rogueish Eloquence and Aragornence! Gandyl the Grey Eye Comics From Aditi and Nikki!

Greetings from the winners’ circle, fellow rogues!

You may remember that I recently (or not so recently, my apologies to everyone for how long this is all taking!) had a caption contest going for my Gandyl the Grey eye comic! Today is the third of the prize posts, in which I display the heroic efforts of my competition winners! Today I’m showcasing the captioning talents of Aditi from Brown Girl Makeup Musings and Nikki from Girl Behind the Glasses, who demonstrated exceptional eloquence and knowledge of a rogue’s preferred fellowship eye candy. 🙂 You can catch up with Aditi’s beautiful musings here, and Nikki’s casting a doctor’s eye over things here!

Their prize was:

For their Tolkienesque, RP-worthy offerings, Nikki and Aditi receive the Eloquent Wizard Award for Literary Adventurousness!

And here are the eye comics! Enjoy! 😀 (Rogue’s tip: You can click on them to enlarge them if you need to!)




Aditi's Rogueish Eloquence for Gandyl the Grey Caption Contest

I like to think this is how Gandyl the Grey actually speaks in her own head 😀




Nikki's Rogueish Eloquence for Gandyl the Grey Caption Contest

Mmmm… Aragorn…


Righty ho, adventurers! Hope you enjoyed this little diversion from the talented Aditi and Nikki! This post (sadly) concludes our Gandyl the Grey caption extravaganza, but stay tuned for more in this vein (once this rogue has gotten her proverbial together and finished up the badges for this one!)

(Quick note: have no fear, brave winners, about the badges! I have not forgotten, they are still in the works! You just got stuck with a badly organised perfectionist for a (non-)artist :-P)


Until next time, don’t forget to check for traps!





11 thoughts on “Rogueish Eloquence and Aragornence! Gandyl the Grey Eye Comics From Aditi and Nikki!

    • Er, when I’ve managed to tie up all the loose ends from this one, LOL. I still have to get people their badges! Plus I have to *come up* with another contest. Any suggestions? 😀


    • Well, the review and swatch posts from that loot overload are starting soon…! Strap yourself in, Dee! 🙂

      This was a great contest – I’m so pleased with how many people responded, and how awesome their captions were!


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